Best Podcasts About Everyday Technology

Best Podcasts About Everyday Technology
Best Podcasts About Everyday Technology

There is currently a podcast about everything from insects to dentistry. Various podcast categories make it easy to satisfy the curiosity of many people. Most podcasts that talk about technology allow people to learn about progress, stories about how technology impacts our lives, and how to improve their lives using technology tools.

Impact technology is on society: Exponent

In The Exponent, hosts discuss recent technology news and developments and the wider impact on technology events in society. Recent topics include Disney's streaming service announcement and it affects everything from our viewing habits to our streaming service bills. Another recent issue is the changes in Apple News and how the service and others are impacted by how we consume online news content.

How technology will positively impact the next 20 years: Tectopia

Tectopia Host asks one question: "What will the world look like in 20 years?" Present guests on the podcast will discuss the positive results that they hope will emerge from technology in the near and distant future. Recent topics include technology and future work, which discuss changes in future workplaces. Another recent podcast focuses on smart buildings and their growing reach in the world.

Brief keynote address on interesting technical topics: TED Talks  technology

The technology section of TED Talks provides brief, engaging snippets about the current and future of technology. Ted Talks can be great to boost specific interests in STEM and to see a wide range of topics that interest you. These discussions are about current technological advances and how they are currently being used to explore the ocean floor. Others focus on the inspirational future of technology, which can transform themselves into origami robots, by resizing, or by using the necessary tools to survive on other planets.
Personal stories with technology in the background: answer everything
All the stories in the reply are that technology is one way or another in all podcasts, if not the main focus. This format varies from a lengthy podcast dealing with general technology components to a specific topic intended to fix your technology bug. Most people would agree with this as a story-telling podcast but with a little technical color. Recent topics include telephone scammers - the story of their talk host with a telephone scammer. Another recent post, focusing on a prisoner who has been blogging for years, was arrested before the advent of the Internet and did not actually interact with the Internet.

The Difference Between Technology and Everyday Life: Note to Self 

Have you ever stopped to think about the effects of technology? The hosts of Note to Self explore the changes we follow in everyday tasks such as reading in the Internet age. Recent topics include children and screens - how children and adults can build relationships through and around technology. Another recent post gives you an overview of selfie taken on social media and all personal data included in the post.

Tips on How to Live Better: Upgrade by Lifehacker

Lifehacker is a site intended to provide tips and tricks (or "hacks") to your daily life. Upgrade is a podcast about those tips and tricks. Many (but not all) of these links contain technology. All the episodes discuss ways to improve your daily life. Recent topics, including technology, how to travel alone and improve with money.

We use technology every day without thinking about how technology will change our way of life or how we will change our way of life in the future. These podcasts bring technology and its role back into our lives. It is also easy to follow newcomers in tech. If you know or know a little about technology, you can't go wrong with these podcasts to satisfy your technology interests.

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